The Automated Manifest System (AMS), governed by the U.S. Customs and Border Protection (CBP), is a pivotal electronic transmission system that manages and facilitates the exchange of cargo-related data prior to the arrival of goods into the United States. This system is essential for maintaining compliance with customs regulations and enhancing the security and efficiency of cargo handling at U.S. ports.
Key Features of AMS
Electronic Filing
AMS requires that cargo information be filed electronically, streamlining the process and reducing paperwork. This includes details like the cargo's quantity, weight, and the consignee's and shipper's information
Filing Deadlines
For maritime transport, the Importer Security Filing (ISF), commonly referred to as "10+2", must be submitted at least 24 hours before loading the cargo onto the ship. In the case of air transport, details must be submitted before loading the cargo onto aircraft under the Air Cargo Advance Screening (ACAS) protocol
Compliance Benefits
Utilizing AMS allows for quicker cargo release, improved accuracy in cargo data handling, and enhanced real-time tracking capabilities. These features collectively improve logistical efficiency and reduce the likelihood of customs-related delays
Logi-Sys AMS
Logi-Sys, the all-in-one cloud platform for logistics management, provides an integrated software solution that aligns with AMS requirements, making it a valuable tool for freight forwarders and logistics companies needing to comply with these regulations. The platform facilitates the easy submission of required documents and data to the AMS, ensuring that all filings are completed accurately and on time
How Logi-Sys Enhances AMS Filing
Logi-Sys automates the entry and submission of data required for AMS filings, which helps in reducing human errors and speeding up the document handling process.
Real-Time Updates
Logi-Sys AMS allows users to receive real-time updates about the status of their cargo, which is crucial for managing supply chains efficiently (iContainers).
Comprehensive Management
With features tailored to both air and sea freight, Logi-Sys supports comprehensive management of cargo manifests, including detailed descriptions of goods, their origins, destinations, and necessary compliance codes.
Logi-Sys simplifies manifest submissions across various regions, including the US, Canada, Japan, and several others, directly transferring freight shipment data to customs, thus eliminating redundancy and enhancing efficiency.
Direct Data Transfer
Facilitates the direct transmission of Freight Shipment/Consol data from the application to the respective customs.
Broad Global Scope
Handles manifest filings for a wide array of countries, streamlining operations on a global scale. Independent Submissions: Allows for the declaration of air and sea freight manifests directly to customs without third-party reliance.
Wide Array of Declaration Formats
Supports multiple declaration formats like US-AMS, AES, ISF, Canada-ACI, and others, ensuring versatility in compliance for various freight types.
The Automated Manifest System is a critical component in the U.S. import process, designed to secure and streamline cargo documentation and handling. By leveraging Logi-Sys, companies can ensure compliance with AMS requirements while enhancing their operational efficiencies. This integration not only supports the logistical aspects of cargo management but also reinforces adherence to security and regulatory mandates, facilitating a smoother, faster customs clearance process.
For a deeper understanding of AMS and how Logi-Sys can facilitate your compliance needs, connect with us at